Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jungle Beach

Since the movie 'the beach' - hoards of tourists have scanned South East Asia for that special spot. the truth is it doesn't really exist - - chances are you will get a semi nice strip of sand littered with trash and people (white trash).

This is the exception - started by a Canadian and Vietnamese couple 7 years ago.

They have a white sand beach and have constructed simple open air huts from bamboo for lodging. As part of the simple luxury you get fed 3 times a day plus a fruit platter for snacks. Unfortunately the lack of exercise and mass amount of food has detrimental effects on the single abdominal muscle of mine.

Your average day may pan out like this;
- Get up at 5am for sunrise on the beach
- Go back to bed at 6am
- Get up for Breaky at 8am
- Swim at 10am after chatting for too long at the table
- Read on the beach or return to your hammock at the hutt
- Lunch time at 12
- Return to beach
- Fruit platter at 3pm
- Retire to read outside your hutt
- Dinner at 6pm
- Head to beah for bonfire.. so on so on everyday for 7 days.

It doesn't get much better than that.. and since they feed you, and train you to eat at certain times, you find you are like a trained animal listening for the food to shake in the bowl. Much longer and you may stop thinking all together?

Another great attraction is the random wildlife - you get giant lizards.. squaking geckos in your room, giant red ants.. and on the last night a red neon snake - amzing! At 4pm you can look through a telescope at the native monleys playing in the jungle - truely a spectacle that we will remember - this was one of our favourite non thinking activities.

Here's some kodak moments.

This is the sunset from this morning - one of the best I have seen - usually a blood red ball lights up and bleeds across the sky and sea - strangely alien from what I have seen before.
Notice the clouds in the distance that look like rocky islands, and the night boats coming back in from their fishing trauls.

This is our guard dog "ugly dog". She learns who you are and then barks at any stranger coming close on the beach. There is another chained up that can't go anywhere as he has bitten too many people. There is another pup called "stinky" which literally stinks - but he is great and allowed to run free at night. At the rear shed is another dog that look like Ugly who has given birth to 10 puppies.. really cute.

A few shots of the walk to the waterfall and the waterfall itself. The first shot looks down to where we were staying.


  1. This place is truly AWESOME. Great pics!!! (I'm so stupid I went back to bed this morning at 5am)

  2. You said it Nya. This place is the missing piece of the holiday puzzle. We feel complete. Thanks for the advice.

    Nice one Ben - You can save off the photos and claim them for your emails home.
