Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Motorcycle diaries

We are heading to MuiNe tomorrow - so today we headed out for our last exploration mission from our District 1 to Dong Khoi. This is basically where all the rich tourists hang by their hotels. You can take a river cruise, but reading up about it, it is a tourist scam as raw sewage gets pumped into it.. and looking close it aint that pretty >> apparently government is trying to herd locals away. It is also well known for bag snatchers. On that topic - we were having dinner when there was a loud commotion and screaming then the cops pulled up and went on a chase >> Apparently a motorcyclist had driven close to a tourist and then grabbed a bag pulling them down the street. An ambulance came, but we didn't see the injured party.

Shot of Desh eating icecream at 'Fannys'

Went to a really cool shop called lotus and looked at their 'original' propaganda posters for sale - they were quite amazing, and was really keen to get one - but they are $80US and they would have no home.. or room.
Also came across a 2nd hand book shop which had incredible old postcards, maps, building plans. holiday photos from tourists in the 50s etc.. we ended up getting some cool cards.

After lunch went to the French styled City post office - amazing building and filled with painted maps and portraits of our great Uncle Minh.

To get home - we figured best to try the motorcycle madness in this city - it truely is something you will never see again - with 12million people and 6million motorbikes all fighting for position. So for about $2 you can get on the back of one almost anywhere and get a ride home. It was frightening seeiing how and when they decide to give way - and of course they get into the street half a second before you do >> which is enought to see 8 motorbikes skimming your arm.

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