Saturday, March 28, 2009

trains, planes and automobiles

We woke up for a fresh start at 4am ready to catch our 5.30am train. As soon as we arrived at the train station a nice old duck of a lady was trying to sell us baguettes. This was actually perfect as we had NZ sliced processed cheese to accompany bread. For those who haven't been here, Vietnam makes a great living selling baguettes and cheese to Western back packers... yum. Sometimes in these situations we get generous - and I felt like giving - so when she said 3000dng (30c) I said no - here's 20,0000 ($2) keep the change thinking yeah - she'll love this.. but it only spawned her on to try sell us coffee ..

On arrival we were pretty confused and the locals were only too kind to help in their weird native language. Luckily 3 Catholic nuns came to the rescue and adopted us as friends, and Desh as a recruit. it was pretty funny as she had a big wooden cane and decided to use desh as a poking device! So as I was boarding the train, Desh was being poked on with Catholic guilt.

Aboard the train and it wasn't too bad - reclining soft seats and A/C.. but we weren't aware of the onboard entertainment, consisting of unavoidable TVs at max volume ready to play for 8.5 hours inbetween communist music and announcements.

Here's a pic of the train inside;

I think it's pretty important now to lay down an example of one of these shows they play on the Train TV. Although I don't understand their ridiculously loud squawky language - I think I got the gist of how it went down;

So - there is this guy sitting at a street table cafe (they are everywhere in this country) and he is super sad because he has no friends. After talking to the unattractive lady owner he decides to recruit a friend from the street. he walks up to this Vietnamese tourist taking photos of bland buildings and squaks at them until strangely they start hugging one too many times. After a few more hugs they sit down.. and with his new friend at the side he gets some male confidence and starts yelling at the owner until she delivers 2 slabs of Heinekin beer (only 48 cans).. but this only mildly pleases them, so he yells at her and slaps her on the ass until she gets a big feast of noodle broth too.
So the 3 of them start getting really HAMMERED and the hugging starts again - but worse than this, the show turns into a really bad MUSICAL - a nightmare train situation for us. At this point I put the ipod on and closed the eyes.. so sorry - no idea how the program got any worse and then ended..
Interesting note to make though - I think it may have been off the cuff - as they seemed to be drinking the beers for REAL.

Next up was lunch - Ladesha has this really big problem with eating noises - so this was pretty entertaining for me when most of the carriage got given trays of meat and rice, soup and even sausages to gnaw on visciously - poor Desh started to feel ill with the noise which we drowned out with 'Pearl Jam' on full volume.
You've heard me mention the trash problem before - well this is a new level. If they don't like something they just spit it out - so there was these chicken bones and rice deposits landing everwhere around us.. Then a carriage worker comes through with a mop and cleans it up.

The highlight for me after the lunch affair was seeing someone get a shaken up coke can and click the tab - only for it to explode over a nun.. she calmly had to get a towel and give her glasses a full wash and chamoise.

One last note to make - the bathrooms. There are 2 choices;
1) A normal looking toilet connected to a holding tank - 8 hours in the tank is full and she's backing up bad.
2) A silver bowl that when flushes you see the flap open to the tracks - cool huh?

Once in Danang we caught a cab to Hoi An - which is refreshing comfort. Our driver handed us a card and it stated his name is 'Kill Bill' - one of our highligths for sure.
He had his own car - A Kia - which he paid $50,000 - - bam, I didn't have the heart to say they are pretty much scrap metal where I come from and half the price.. instead he is a P.I.M.P with his ride being one of about 2% of the population driving something other than a motorbike.

right now - getting hightop sneakers made based on Nikes. Getting mine stealth with no logos - black leather and snake skin... quality is something toworry about - but will just make it funnier if they turn out to be dire.

Desh is hooked on getting skirts made - and is getting some cool stuff with great fabrics. Next post will reveal all.

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